Confraria Approves New Fidalgo Cavaleiro Rank



The Confraria do Vinho do Porto, or Port Wine Brotherhood ( has created the new rank of Fidalgo Cavaleiro (Noble Knight) to bestow on individuals who demonstrate their ongoing involvement in activities that benefit and promote the knowledge and image of Port Wine and the Confraria.

The new Fidalgo rank is open primarily to Certified Wine Professionals, Wine Educators, Journalists, Wine Event Organizers, Social Media Influencers, and similar candidates who can only be nominated by a current Mestre or by the Chancelaria (the five-person board that governs the Confraria).

“The Confraria is committed to developing the image of Port Wine and we believe that those professionals who contribute in a significant and constant manner should be recognized for their effort. It is for this purpose that we created the rank of Fidalgo,” said George Sandeman, Chanceler of the Confraria.

Once nominated, the Candidate must submit an application and supporting details establishing their active body of work in support of the Confraria and Port Wine. Supporting evidence may include activities such as books or articles published, newsletters, Port websites, tastings/events, or Port educational courses taught. The rank must be renewed every five years, where the Chancelaria will review the Fidalgo’s recent supporting activities.

The initial evaluation and selection of Candidate Applications will be conducted by three members of the Chancelaria. Qualifying applicants will then be reviewed by the full Chancelaria. If approved by the Chancelaria, the names and qualifications of the candidates will be presented to the full Capitulo (General Assembly) for approval.

Fully approved candidates for Fidalgo will be formally inducted into the Confraria do Vinho do Porto in the annual ceremony that takes place in Porto, Portugal. Here, they will receive the Insignia of the Fidalgo Cavaleiro:

  • The Tambuladeira, a silver wine-tasting cup attached to a green and red striped ribbon worn around the neck by all Confrades indicating their membership in the Confraria do Vinho do Porto
  • A garnet-colored cape trimmed with black ribbon
  • A wide-brimmed black felt hat with garnet-colored silk sash
  • A badge of rank inscribed “Fidalgo”

After receiving their Insignia, they sign their name in the Book of Honor and receive their Confraria Diploma.

The Confraria do Vinho do Porto is a community of over 2,000 wine professional from around the globe who share the mission of reinforcing the image of Port Wine worldwide. Established in 1982 in Porto, this honorary organization is the guardian of intangible heritage, combining tradition with an innovative vision for the future of Port Wine.

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